A Look at the Functions of Music in Games, 2023 Edition

For many gamers at Casino Mate, the sound in pokies is as essential as its graphics and gameplay. Video poker games provide a sonic backdrop for adventure, relaxation, competition, or just about anything else. Music sets the tone — providing both inspiration and emotional resonance. While the music industry is constantly changing, and so are the tastes of consumers, in this article, we will discuss the main functions of music in modern games and take a look at the top music genres in 2023.

Music Functions: Why Are They Essential?

  1. Mood Function: Music is a form of sensory input. It can be used to communicate with the player, giving them a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. Music can be used to change the mood of gameplay. It can create a feeling of anxiety, relaxation and excitement. For example, if you are playing an action game where you need to fight off enemies who are trying to kill you then music will help put you in the right frame of mind.
  2. Motivation Function: It may be used as a motivator. When a player fails to do something in the game, it may play and remind them of their failure. It may also be used as a reward system: if you get something right or complete an objective, music will play and make it feel like you’ve achieved something.
  3. Decoration Function: Creating ambient sounds like wind blowing through trees or water flowing over rocks will give off an authentic feeling while also providing enough information about where they are or what’s happening around them so that they don’t get lost while exploring new locations outside their home base camp (or whatever structure they call home base).
  4. Manipulative Function: Music has been used as a tool to manipulate people for many centuries. This practice is not only in use by politicians but also by game developers. Music and sound are utilized in games to create moods, trigger emotions, influence the player’s behavior and keep them engaged with the experience. There exists an ongoing debate as to whether music in games is manipulative or not. While some psychologists and scientists may argue that the manipulability of the game environment is only a temporary effect, others will claim it lasts for much longer periods.

Top Game Music Genres in 2023

The music industry is always changing, and so are the ways we listen to music. But one thing remains consistent: gamblers always love listening to good music.

Acoustic rock

Acoustic rock is a genre of rock music that relies on an acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and/or piano as the primary instrumentation. It often makes use of organic sounds such as harmonics and finger-picking. Acoustic rock usually has a loose structure with elements ranging from folk to classical music, but it also includes genres like pop and country music.

Jazz fusion

Jazz fusion is a subgenre of jazz music that combines elements of rock music with jazz. The term “jazz fusion” was coined by bassist Anthony Braxton in 1968, although he did not use the term until 1971. It has been described as “a hybrid genre combining elements of rock and pop with traditional jazz”.


It typically features fast tempos (120 beats per minute), high decibel levels (110 dB), aggressive vocals (screaming or growling) and solos that are played on instruments such as guitar or bass guitar.

Indie pop+rock

Indie pop-rock is a genre of rock and pop music that originated in the United States in the early 1980s. It is characterized by a stylistic independence from mainstream rock, pop and/or pop punk. Some indie bands have received more attention than others.


The function of music in video games is a hotly debated topic. Music in a game can be used to tell the story, create atmosphere, emphasize certain moments and provide context for what is happening on screen. From the simple chiptune soundtracks to the complex orchestral arrangements, it’s clear that it may be used in various ways in a game. It’s an integral part of any game experience and should not be taken lightly when making your decision about a game you want to play. Video games can provide us with an immersive experience that takes over our senses. When we’re playing a game, it’s not just what is happening on the screen that affects how much we enjoy it — music plays an important role as well.